Submit your art!

Your submitted artwork may be included in the Children's Gallery and also shared on Facebook and Instagram

Want to submit art to the Children's Gallery?

Click on the link below to email us your artwork as an attachment. Remember to include: 
* Your Name
* Your age
* Your town or location
* A title or description of the artwork

Draw or paint your artwork

Draw or paint your picture. Remember we are wanting to include AUSTRALIAN animals and plants... preferably those that live at Bungabbee (Northern NSW). If you want ideas of animals to draw, read the story or visit the Artist's Gallery

Scan or photograph your finished art

Scan your drawing or take a clear photograph of it. We prefer JPGs, but we can convert most standard formats. 

Email the photo and information to us

Email the artwork to us at
Please include the artist's name (in the format you prefer it displayed - which might be first name only, or first and surname); the artist's age when they did the artwork; their town/location and a title or description of the artwork (particularly if this isn't self-explanatory). 

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Conceived and co-created by Abi Andrews and Renata Phelps  -- With support from many other wildlife defenders.
© Copyright 2021 - Araucaria Wildlife Sanctuary. All Rights Reserved -