When she awoke, Acacia found herself being looked after by a wildlife carer named Cara. Many times a day Cara would warm milk for her and Acacia would lap it from a spoon. Acacia would go to the toilet and Cara would then snuggle her back in the cotton pouch. 

Cara the wildlife carer looks after Acacia the Squirrel Glider - Abi Andrews

After some weeks, Acacia opened her eyes and started to look around at her world. Although Cara wasn’t her ‘real’ mum, Acacia knew she was safe and cared for.


Conceived and co-created by Abi Andrews and Renata Phelps  -- With support from many other wildlife defenders.
© Copyright 2021 - Araucaria Wildlife Sanctuary. All Rights Reserved - araucariawildlifesanctuary@gmail.com