Time went by and the animals in the forest waited…
...and waited…
...and waited.
"How will we know if the loggers are coming?” asked Little Cousin Glider. 

Cousin glider is scared - Abi Andrews

Acacia remembered back to when she was very little.

“There will be lots of noise from big trucks and chainsaws” said Acacia.

Little Cousin Glider was worried and had trouble sleeping.


The birds said that they would watch out along the roadsides, and fly back to the forest to sound the alarm if they heard the trucks coming. 


Conceived and co-created by Abi Andrews and Renata Phelps  -- With support from many other wildlife defenders.
© Copyright 2021 - Araucaria Wildlife Sanctuary. All Rights Reserved - araucariawildlifesanctuary@gmail.com